JHS Tips for Success
Tips for Recital Success
Get enough rest the night before your performance (8 hours, please!), and consider an afternoon nap to calm nerves.
Eat a good meal before your performance. (A recently full stomach, especially carbohydrates, will help prevent nervous butterflies.)
Drink plenty of water (32 ounces or more) to prevent dry-mouth.
Dress for success. (Wear something appropriate for church or a nice evening out which is also comfortable, perhaps incorporating layers for hot or cold rooms.)
Think positive thoughts throughout the day and during your performance.
Warm up correctly. (Scales, arpeggios, long tones, and slow practice of the technical parts of your piece in two separate sessions of 15 – 20 minutes each are effective. No runs of the whole piece, and no last-minute fast practicing.)
For the studio recital, arrive at the PHSN choir room no later than 7:15 PM with your instrument and music, ready to go for pre-tuning and orientation.
Warm your flute during the performance before you.
Prepare to take the stage during the applause for the previous performer.
When you come up for your performance, bow upon reaching the stand to acknowledge the applause, then set up your music.
Ms. Goodman will help tune you with the piano.
Before you begin your piece, think through a few bars first, take a deep breath, and look at your accompanist to make sure she is ready to begin with you.
Think positive thoughts, and no matter what, keep going!
After your piece, step to the side of your music stand, gesture to your accompanist and bow from the waist, eyes to the floor, holding your flute in front of you. Collect your music after bowing!

Solo and Ensemble Guidelines
Recital success tips 1 -6 and 12 – 15 apply; review and follow them!
Arrive at the school 60 – 45 minutes early and to your room 10 – 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled time.
Bring your photocopy (for you) and your numbered original (for the adjudicator).
Wait outside your room until you are ready to play. (If you have to wait, tell the adjudicator that you are waiting for your teacher; do not enter the room or set up for your performance until your band director arrives!)
No warming up in the hallways or in the adjudication room.
Your accompanist help tune you with the piano after you enter the room.
When the adjudicator asks “scales or piece first?”, the answer is scales!
Think about the scale’s key signature before you play.
Pick up your original from the judge after your performance.
Results will be posted after your performance.
Bring your comments to your first lesson after solo and ensemble.