PHSN Marching Flutes
Congratulations to Goodman Flute Studio members who have won auditions for special performances within the Pickerington North Marching...
Posas and Sayre in marching leadership
Congratulations to juniors Hannah Posas and Kelsey Sayre for earning leadership positions in the 2018 edition of the Pickerington High...
Congratulations, Class of 2017!
Congratulations to the Goodman Flute Studios Class of 2017! These ladies from Pickerington High School North have achieved so much during...
Jocelyn Treneff senior project
On Wednesday, April 19th, Jocelyn Treneff will present her senior capstone project for Thematics in the Pickerington High School North...
Flute Choir at COFA Festival
On Saturday, April 1st, Goodman Flute Studios high school flute choir will perform Jacobo Datshkovsky's Danza Mexicana No. 2 on the...
Otterbein Flute Choir Day
Pickerington High School North students Lauren Griffith, Hannah Posas, and Jocelyn Treneff will be participating in Otterbein...
Barnes in OSU Honor Band
Congratulations to Pickerington High School North senior Taryn Barnes, who has also earned a spot at the Ohio State University Honor Band...
Treneff in OSU Honor Band
Congratulations to Pickerington High School North senior Jocelyn Treneff who has earned a spot at the Ohio State University Honor Band...
Schoenbeck in Junior Winds
Congratulations to Pickerington High School North freshman Allison Schoenbeck for earning a position in the Capital University Junior...
Griffith in Junior Winds
Congratulations to Pickerington High School North freshman Lauren Griffith for earning a position in the Capital University Junior Winds,...